Remember Me Like This

My name is Melanie, and I am an artist.

I am a mother, wife, sister, daughter, aunty and friend.

I am gifted and I am flawed.

I accept both.

I am the granddaughter of a strong Métis woman who I now only get to visit in my dreams.

I have a full heart and a bit of a broken heart.

My life has been very easy and at times a little hard. Though through it all I have had a lot to be thankful for.

I enjoy fine wine, great food and strong coffee. All of which are so much better when shared with my people.

I laugh from my gut and dance to good music when it moves me.

Whatever I have a hand in doing, I do with love.

I am nurturing and fun, but I can also take myself too seriously.

I am twisted and scarred.

Dark and very light.

I am a complicated human.

I care a lot about a lot.

I am proud.

I am most certainly blessed.

I am fearless and I sometimes fear everything.

My greatest work is being a mother to my daughters. It is my Carmen and my Celeste that make me proudest. The purpose I have felt raising them is unmatched. They are easily my most outstanding achievement.

I have spent most of my life drawing and painting, though it took me a long time before I confidently called myself an artist. Even now, about halfway through every painting, I feel like an imposter.

My art has me searching for a greatness that feeds more than just me. A small legacy to leave for my girls. I long for success that gives me confidence and peace.

My dark side keeps me buried at times, so finding happiness isn't always easy. And when I'm not happy I cannot paint. So, on the days that I can I feel very full, very free and very much my truest self.

I believe in being authentic and honest.

I believe in making magic out of mud pies.

I am equal realist as I am witch.

I collect wooden spoons, burn sage and document my dreams.

I make things with love.

I do what I want. I say what I think. And I let my art speak for itself.

I am grateful for the life that I have and everyone in it.

I am not perfect, and my work is not perfect. But I like what I do, and I am very proud of it.

I have some amazing family and friends who cheer me on and lift me up. They know who they are; I thank them deeply.

It is because of them that I keep showing up. Whether it is in black and white or vibrant color, I will continue to make my people proud.

I will continue to create beautiful things, surround myself with beautiful things and work my ass off to make others feel something good.